The Golden Bangus Art Installation
A story that has always stuck out to me is the story of a fish that I learned about through one of my favorite songs, “The fish song” by underscores. It tells the story of a golden variant of a fish called a bangus that was found by a fish farmer in the Philippines who turned it over to an aquatic research facility in hopes that it would be cared for and eventually bred. It became a lucky charm for the people of the city and people grew very attached to it, but its became stressed from many conditions in its life and passed before it could begin a new golden generation. I wanted to tell the story through a visual by creating a wall of about 860 fish, with one golden fish facing the other direction hung away from the rest. I had a plaque set up to tell the story in full and left several more fish out for people to write wishes on and put in a fishbowl.